Tuesday, September 22, 2009

poor me

I'm feeling kind of down and out today.What's the best way to lick the blues?


  1. It's not always this easy, but it always works, count your blessings, name them one by one! (:

  2. Do something JUST for you-something that always makes you happy whether its going for a drive, getting a pedicure, stopping for a cherry coke or calling a friend...do something to make the day special.

  3. Movie alone, dr. pepper, donuts....and then maybe a nice brisk walk or a run in your case since you can do that endurance superwoman!!!

  4. Drink a low carb monster and do a project like a crazy woman!! Energy drinks have lots of B vitamins so I think that is why they make me happy when the world starts looking blue. I am just joking though. Not a good idea to start a bad habbit like energy drinks(:
