Monday, November 9, 2009

challenge #8: Critical Thinking

I think we're all too critical of one another and ourselves.
Here's what I know about myself...
The worse I feel about myself, the more I tend to criticise others.
If I feel frustrated with ME, I project my frustration on others.
It's not fair.
Poor Capt. Butler and the kids often take a tongue lashing when I'm down and out on myself.
If I can replace critical thinking with positive thoughts AND service towards those I'm being critical of, I will feel better about myself while at the same time preventing a big slip in the negative

This week I will work to swap the critical for the positive-
both in thought and deed.
Will you do this with me?

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this. It is VERY easy to slip into that ditch. I will work on this w/ you! I have noticed that I have this problem too.
