Yes I've been neglecting my weekly challenges.
Tara (aka my home/plantation, for those of you illiterate Gone With the Windian's, shame on you) has been quite busy.
But I'm back on track again.
I used to be really good at writing thank yous. My mother raised me to always send a thank you card when kindness was received. Over the years, my thank you letters have fallen to thank you emails, and now to almost nothing.
I am a grateful person, and I want to express it in writing more often.
Tara (aka my home/plantation, for those of you illiterate Gone With the Windian's, shame on you) has been quite busy.
But I'm back on track again.
I used to be really good at writing thank yous. My mother raised me to always send a thank you card when kindness was received. Over the years, my thank you letters have fallen to thank you emails, and now to almost nothing.
I am a grateful person, and I want to express it in writing more often.
It is a gesture I don't want to lose.
So this week, after a holiday season of both giving and receiving, I will catch up on thank yous gone unwritten.
Will you do this with me?