Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello again

I have missed posting on my Scarlett blog.I'd like to say that I did complete my last challenge to write thank yous.

It felt good to express hand written gratitude.
What about you?
Write any personal thank yous lately?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Challenge #12: Thank you

Yes I've been neglecting my weekly challenges.
Tara (aka my home/plantation, for those of you illiterate Gone With the Windian's, shame on you) has been quite busy.
But I'm back on track again.
I used to be really good at writing thank yous. My mother raised me to always send a thank you card when kindness was received. Over the years, my thank you letters have fallen to thank you emails, and now to almost nothing.
I am a grateful person, and I want to express it in writing more often.

It is a gesture I don't want to lose.
So this week, after a holiday season of both giving and receiving, I will catch up on thank yous gone unwritten.

Will you do this with me?